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Tag Archives: Mark McGwire


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Baseball Hall of Fame Elects No Players

Baseball Hall of Fame elects no players for first time since 1996, among those rejected were Sammy Sosa, the slugger who sits eighth on the all-time home run list and who joined Clemens and Bonds on the ballot for the first time. Mark McGwire, who sits 10th on the all-time home run list, failed again, receiving his lowest percentage in seven years of eligibility.


Happy Birthday:
Mark McGwire

October 1, 1963 – Mark David McGwire nicknamed “Big Mac”, is an American former professional baseball player who played his major league career with the Oakland Athletics and the St. Louis Cardinals. He is currently the hitting coach for the St. Louis Cardinals.


September 27,1998 – Mark McGwire (St. Louis Cardinals) set a major league baseball record when he hit his 70th home run of the season. Sammy Sosa (Chicago Cubs) ended the season with 66 home runs. Both players surpassed Roger Maris’ record of 61.